Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yes, I have an opinion. But maybe you didn't ask for it?

In light of recent events, I thought I might remind everyone that I have an opinion. About a lot of things. In fact, I am quite opinionated. I believe that there is a superior kind of peanut butter and it's crunchy. I feel strongly that you should always tip your waitress because even if she was terrible, she deserves it. I believe in holding the door open, saying thank you, giving a courtesy laugh every now and then, and that New Jersey is by far the best Real Housewives franchise that's ever been.

I have opinions. And I am realizing that these opinions, out of context, can cast judgment and alienate people. Yes, I am talking about your Facebook status options.

We have lots of options. Just today, I wanted to write about ten different things for my Facebook status but didn't. What stopped me? God. I thought about God. I thought about Jesus, specifically. He had this unbelievable way of knowing people's stories. He was the only one that had the right to judge because He was God, but He never left people feeling judged. He left people challenged, loved, and changed. Do my opinions do that? My random opinions are powerful, and can leave people judged. Especially when they are a Facebook status, or a tweet, or a text.

If you ask me my opinion, I will gladly share. Because that probably means that we know each other, and we know a little bit about each other's stories. That makes our relationship the priority over our opinions.

I guess my thought today is...what if we chose relationships over being right? What if I placed my value in giving and accepting love and not being the smartest or snarkiest person on the internet? A lot of what ifs. But unfortunately, a lot more opinions being thrown every which way.

Seriously though, crunchy peanut butter is WAY better than creamy. For that, I will not apologize.


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