Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beautiful, Scandalous...weight.

"Even the skinniest girls struggle with their weight."

Yeah right. I've never believed that. Probably because I've never been skinny. Ever. Today is a milestone for me. I've lost 35 pounds in 3 months, and I am the thinnest I've been since I can remember recording my weight.

I'm not bragging about that. But I am about to tell you how I got there. And how I will continue to get there. Ready?

I believe whole heartedly that I was created for more.

Yes, I changed my eating habits and workout routine, but the change that has been the hardest was shifting from the fat girl defeatist mentality to the new creation in Christ mentality.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, she is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come." - 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Is it possible that God cares about my weight? I have found that  it's not only possible, it is an absolute truth. I don't know what weight you are, or what thing is holding you back from accepting love. For me, it has always been my weight. Always. It is this barrier that surrounds me from letting people in. But you know what I realized? Not letting people in is the same thing as not letting me out. I was stuck, and I was the one in isolation. Ultimately, I am the one that has gotten hurt the most.

God wants to make me new. Every day. He wants me to know that I am loved completely, at any weight, at any size, at any color, at any mistake. So I could lose 100 pounds tomorrow, and until I believe that, I will struggle at 150 pounds just like I would at 350 pounds.

Your weight struggles, your performance struggles, your fear of letting people in, your loss of a relationship, your pain whatever it may be, all comes from the same lonely place of not knowing what you're worth. When we believe we are worth it, we will do a lot of crazy things. We will leave a bad relationship. We will stop stuffing our feelings down with food. We will quit drinking. We will go to church for the first time. We will accept a compliment. Whatever it is.

You are amongst the community of broken people finding our way to wholeness. You are at home, and you are not alone.


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