Hopefully you can relate to some of the things I mentioned I know at some point in your life you have been here, there, up, down, and Lord knows pulled back and forth. The phenomenal thing is we are all different but share one thing in common. We want to change the world.
Every time I say that I feel like I should be standing with my hands on my hips with a radical red cape flowing perfectly behind me, and the most impeccable theme song blasting in the back ground. Although my job allows me to dress up on Wacky Wednesdays (you get to dress up like holiday characters, super heroes, or if you’re lucky mythical beasts) I have recently come to realize that every time I wake up to my NeedToBreathe- shine on alarm and I wash down a granola bar with a swig of orange juice I am getting ready to take on the day as a super hero. By a simple smile, genuine laugh, hand shake, hug you are changing and saving lives. People need it, we all need it, and you need it. Who are your super heros?
It’s safe to say people lead by example and follow those who are brave enough to lead…are you? Or do you wake up and turn on auto-pilot and go through each numbing day with fake encounters? In order to be a super hero you have got to face the fact that not every day is going to be perfect. We have to realize that not everything is going to make since and be fair, but when faced with differences we rise above and understand that we are changing the world through the relationships we build and the moments we share with those around us. Once you have realized that ther is only one other question you have to worry about.
What is your Super Hero name?
Mine… Laughing Dinosaur as per a Super Hero Name generator.
These are my Super Heros (My Kids, My Ugandan Brothers and Sisters, My Staff, and My Family and Friends
xoxo hsw |