Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Boring is beautiful!

Difficult in a car. Imagine
on a motorcycle...
 I am back from my motorcycle adventure in the mountains. Let me say this...I was not prepared.

If you want to know why, take a look at this google map screenshots. See, mountain roads are not just widely varied in elevation, they are also the twistiest, turniest roads I have ever been on. Mind you, I am used to traveling country roads in Wake Forest and beyond. We're talking generally flat, the occasional turn, and no traffic.

So drop this noob into a city within the mountains, and it's a recipe for certain disaster.

Hot tip: when you ask google to map a route and choose "avoid highways", google likes to replace said highways with gravel roads. On a motorcycle, it's the absolute worst.

So on day one, I was forcibly traveling a gravel road and came to the end of it. Stopped. And remember how I was in the mountains, the turn to hit next was a hairpin and I dropped the bike. Right into the only mud puddle I saw in Asheville. Day one shook my confidence.

Day one. Why I didn't recognize this as foreshadowing
is beyond me.
Aside from my terrifying moto-adventures, the trip was so good for me. Seeing my friend Sam who is ridiculous and wonderful, experiencing Air BnB in a Dexter Morgan shade of bizarre (for more on that, click here), were all perfect moments in my ridiculous life.

At least I got a glamour shot for Honda Powersports.
I hyped this trip up to be a time where I would discover a deeper sense of who I am. That being away would make me realize something I had never seen before. It worked, but not in the way I was intending. I figured out that I suppress who I am too often. I pretend to be a person that craves adventure and spontaneity.

Day three. Or the "What the hell am I doing up here" face.

You know what I really love? Comfort. And air conditioning. And Bravo TV. And my Vitamix. And my motorcycle. But maybe just my motorcycle on hills not mountains. I wish I had been okay with all these things when I was younger. I wish I didn't pretend to love roller coasters and camping and fiction and sleeping on the floor and staying up all night because I thought I was supposed to.

This trip taught me that learning my limits is a great thing. And that comfort isn't a sin. You hear me Christians? Comfort is not a sin. I am boring! Boring is beautiful! Oh and one more thing for my Christian friends...it's ok to laugh. A lot. More on that some other day...


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