Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hang in there.

This morning I had the humbling opportunity to speak to a group of YMCA professionals about authenticity and openness. Two subjects that, when paired together, can be really painful. But also, when done well, can be very freeing.

We did this exercise where I asked everyone to write down something they struggle and then I read some of them out loud. They were anonymous answers, but I asked everyone in the room to stand up if they, too, struggled with that particular issue.

What did the group write down? Here are some great ones.

I struggle with:

  • speaking honestly with those closest to me.
  • loneliness.
  • believing I am good enough when everyone around me is so critical and discouraging.
  • finding the right person to love and not settling for someone that isn't right for me.
  • graduating from college and being single while everyone around me is getting married and having babies.
  • talking to a group of people I don't know.
And these went on and on. For each one I read, so many people in the room stood up. And here was the beauty of the exercise: when we realize we are not alone in our struggle, the struggle loses its power over us.

Have you ever loved someone and not had that love returned? It's heartbreaking. It only takes one time for that to happen to shut you down and wall yourself off from the world. But from what I saw today, there is a world out there that wants to know you. And some people won't return the love you give out. But some will. Let's keep trying until we find each other.

Hang in there, guys. Hang in there.

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