Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm messed up. So are you. Let's talk about it.

I follow a few blogs. Most of them are weight loss blogs. I can't help it, I get real inspired by them. And when everything was all unicorns and rainbows (shout out to Betty Goddard) we lived together in a happy world where we were all doing well and had it all together.

That doesn't last.

One of my blog friends fell off the grid. That's not a good sign. So I tweeted her, and she replied. Take a read:

Things have not been well. It's a reoccurring cycle of over eating, feeling depressed, eating more, not being able to breathe, no exercise and no weighing myself. I've given up, lost hope in myself. I don't know if I can do it. Monday I decided to start eating right and exercising once again....I just don't want to fail again. I hate having a blog because I've let everyone down, it's so depressing. When do I stop this and get back to where I was? Where is the motivation and inspiration to eat right? To feel good? Ugh. I don't know. I guess I need to stop complaining and start doing. 

I lack accountability so much. I wish I had someone to be 100% serious, mean when needed and fair to be accountable with. I've seemed to not find that and sometimes I feel so alone and much easier to just eat and feel worse. I wonder if you feel my pain. I need to start being accountable somehow, any ideas. I'm all out. I guess I have to grow up and do it for yourself. Hopefully MondayI can stick with it, I just don't want to fail again.

I hope your back is ok! You've been killing it even with your surgery. That's awesome and motivation to kick butt. I wish I knew where that (girl) is that kicked butt and was awesome and loved to exercise. I can't find her!

One other worry....I'm going on a mission trip to the Dominican and at this point I will need a seat belt extender.....I'm sick. Hopefully I'll change it by march. I can't imagine going on a mission trip at this point and being productive. That's how bad it is. Somehow I still refuse to do anything...I hope my thoughts aren't too much or too confusing for you. It's nice to share with someone who understands. 

Her email rocked my world. Because it's not NEW information. But it's this reminder that, when I don't have it all together, I don't want to share. I don't want to talk. I only want to share, and talk, when I feel like I am doing awesome and want to give advice for people coming up behind me. 

But what happens when I fall behind? When I gain weight back? When things don't work out like I planned, as fast as I planned, how I planned?

I am messed up. And I continue to mess up. So do you. How long will we let that separate us? 

I want to read more from people that admit they struggle. Because then I know, I am not alone. Let's stop putting out the best possible version of ourselves and start putting out the pain, the disappointment, the heartbreak.

THAT would change the world. If we weren't afraid of being ourselves to people, imagine how THAT would change the world.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of trying to be someone I'm not. Can we all quit it and just be honest with each other?

Who's with me?

(last but not least...4 weeks after back surgery and I am walking and biking. Pictures from last week below. I pray to God I will never take standing for granted again.)

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