Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nothing is wasted.

7am on a Wednesday.

Typically you would find me getting ready to go workout. Or sleeping in if I could. But for a 10am meeting, I have to be up right now. I live 3 miles from the Y, I'm a quick showerer, so why the early rise?

My back injury is the worst in the morning. And I mean, the worst. The steroid shots have helped. I can walk around now, but I am nowhere near where I thought I would be by this point. I had dreams of being able to work out by now. Back in my routine. Better than ever. But I'm not better than ever. Not physically anyway.

Don't worry, I checked. You can't
read my Dear Diary in this photo. I hope.
So when I get up, I can barely walk. My left leg and calf muscle are so tight and in pain that it often wakes me up in the middle of the night (like last night but I watched Sons of Anarchy so it's ok man what a GREAT episode). I've come to realize that in the morning I need to ice my back immediately and take my medicine before I can even shower. Showering is SUPER painful.

And here I am. My new routine. I need to give myself at least two hours in the morning to get ready. I wake up, I hobble downstairs for an ice pack. I make my green smoothie and coffee, take my medicine, and I sit with God. I write to him. I cry to him. I read about him. And I listen to him. It has become a physical necessity for me to start every day this way.

Why did it take a crippling back injury for me to see my need for God like this?

Nothing is wasted. Not even the most painful injury I've ever had (I know that I have been fortunate in life). In this, God is doing something beautiful.

When it comes to God and his meticulous care for us, nothing is wasted.

See you in a couple hours.


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