Monday, May 13, 2013

Don't steal the title.

I was in church on Sunday during worship, and I had a thought that I know wasn't my own, because I don't want to do this:

"Write a book about your battles with your weight."

The last thing the world needs is another book about weight loss. But the first thing the world needs is someone being vulnerable about pain and heartbreak and loneliness and insecurity. And then not being afraid to face it.

So I think I'm going to do it. And I think that if I share that on here, it might hold me more accountable. And I think that maybe someone out there knows someone who knows someone that might be interested in this.

Lastly, don't steal the title. Well, the working title:

"Worth the Weight." Oh never mind, some cheesy lady already stole it. Ok, I'll think of something better.


1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing the same thing in my head and people say - WRITE A BOOK. I fight the thought every time thinking what do I have to say that people would want to read....


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