Saturday, February 16, 2013

A world of firsts.

Last night I helped out with this big event for the Y called Youth and Government. It's 1700 kids from around the state of North Carolina, and they debate bills and do other awesome things to practice changing the world.

A good "before" pic from 2011.
I wanted to post some pictures from the night for a few reasons. Today marks the 6th day in a row that I have eaten REALLY well and worked out REALLY hard. To be totally honest, I have been half-assing it for a while now. A cheat meal here, a lost weekend there. Last Sunday I think I just hit a new low: going to Bojangles and eating all this stuff that is NOT good for me. Just because.

Monday was really hard. It definitely felt like the first day of rehab. It was hard not to snack. I wanted to eat junk food. I was fighting the cravings. Isn't this ridiculous? Food is my drug of choice and I can't forget just how powerful this drug is.

I weighed in with my trainer on Friday and I thought for sure that the scale would show my efforts from the week. It didn't. It really didn't. I think a few months ago if this happened, I would have gone home and eaten crap that wasn't good for me. Self-sabotage. But this week, I realized that I have come too far to do that. The scale is not showing my progress, but my emotions are. This is a victory.

Last night was wild...I had to dress like a fool (as seen in these photos). However, I will say that these camo overalls are amazingly comfortable so I highly recommend picking them up at your local Wal-Mart.

We rode around the Raleigh Convention Center in these mini-trikes for like an hour. It was the funnest thing in the world. (Yes, I know that "funnest" is not a word, back off me.) But the coolest part about it, for me, is that I could do it. That mini-trike wasn't too mini for me. And the pictures from the night, when I saw them, I was surprised. I see my body changing and I see someone new that I have never seen before.

Or I guess, she's been there all along, but now she's come out of hiding.



Trike gang.

A harder picture has never been taken.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! I am personally learning how much more there is to this journey than the number on the scale! Keep it up! Ice


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