Monday, October 31, 2011

Keeping up with the Kardashians...unfortunately.


Not really.

Kim Kardashian is getting a divorce. 72 days after getting married. On television. For her tv show. On E!

My reason for blogging about this is not to judge or become more cynical about the world. But, I do have some observations.

For a while now, I have wondered why Kim Kardashian is famous. I've wondered why most of the high school and middle school girls I know do, in fact, keep up with that whole family. I found out that she initially was Paris Hilton's best friend and that's how she landed on America's radar. And then, a series of bad decisions actually made her MORE famous. Yes, I smirk when they spoof the sisters on SNL, and yes, I am guilty of some severe eye rolling when I hear one of them talk.

My greatest observation today, though, is this: we seem to be a culture that idolizes flawed celebrity, because it might be too much of a stretch to idolize people that actually do great things. In my parents' generation, they idolized astronauts, well-educated sports icons, squeaky clean pop stars. People that were famous for doing big things. In my generation, we idolize broken people that are famous for - being in the tabloids?

And I think it's because we can HANDLE that. If I idolize someone that walked on the moon, I have to believe that maybe, just maybe, I could one day do something that great. If I idolize Kim Kardashian, I believe that I too, can become famous for being...famous. And it's almost expected that I mess up because, I haven't done anything quite magnificent yet. It wouldn't hurt so bad if I failed.

Take it one step further. Get more personal. Do we build people up only to later have the option of tearing them down? It seems like that's the American way. We love watching a good wedding, but we might love a nasty divorce even more. Those people's problems make my life look normal. Ouch.

If we all decided to leave the Kardashians alone and had to deal with the life in front of us, things would be a whole lot different. This pressure cooker we are building of Famous America is never going to satisfy. The sooner we get that, the sooner we can all find the purpose we were created for. And if that means marriage, may it be a marriage that lasts longer than 72 days!



  1. Solid, Liz. Good to "see" you again. Carlene

  2. CARLENE! Great to see you too! Hope all is well!


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