I hope you are doing great! We have been swamped with such amazing opportunities these past few months and I am just now getting the chance to post. Below is a brief breakdown of what Go|Change|Move has been doing, and what you have been doing to help support us!!!
We held a TOMS day without shoes wa
lk. TOMS shoes partnered with our YMCA
and we decided that it was time to educate those in our
community about the simple need of shoes around the world. With our teens leading the event we had thousands come out and participate in walk a mile in our shoes awareness walk.
To give you an idea of what the night looked like we rented out a local park. We had shirts made with the TOMS and
YMCA logo and then showed this video. Our Y is currently building relationships with The Cherokee House in Ethiopia,
Africa. When setting up our partnership with TOMS we de
cided that all of our efforts, money, shoes raised would go to Ethiopia.
Although this picture seems graphic... it is the reality for millions in our world. This is 100 % preventable ...the answer
To see the sheer amounts of people that came out to show their support and to learn about
what is going on in our world. Education = Compassion which = Action. We saw this happen in a hour with people when they came in to learn what was going on, watch the video clip, grow compassion, and act by walking a mile barefoot. It was reassuring to see the support and love we received from all those around us. From the beginning we gave the event to God and did as we felt he wanted us to do. Article about event
Along with the walk we began to collect lightly used shoes to help areas around the world that have been through natural disasters such as Haiti and Japan. Article about event
These past few months have been life changing. We have realized how many people truly want to Go, Change, and Move and how easy it can be.
God bless and be looking for a post about our hEARt project!
xoxo hsw
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